Monday, 22 June 2015

Restoring Faith in The Safety Net

Church Action on Poverty has launched its latest report on "Restoring Faith in the Safety Net" (.pdf file).  As it points out in its introduction:
A truly compassionate society is one which expresses concern for the welfare and dignity of all its citizens. In a world of growing insecurity, a compassionate society is one which provides a bedrock of social security: the security of knowing that becoming sick, disabled or unemployed, or suffering a financial shock or crisis (be it a bereavement or a broken cooker), will not leave anyone penniless, hungry or at risk of destitution.
This report restates the case for a social security safety net. It also documents an increasing number of holes in that safety net – undue delays, errors, or excessive sanctions, many of which are leaving large numbers of people without income for days, weeks or even months at a time. Too many people, including children, are being left at risk of hunger or destitution as a result.

For more information, and to take action to restore faith in the safety net visit the Church Action on Poverty Website: