A debate on rising Foodbank use has never been so important. 60 000 people will need emergency food this Christmas. In order to debate Food Banks, MPs need to attend!
West Cheshire Foodbank asked Cheshire West MPs what their plans are. Please get in touch with your MP and let them know you care that people in the UK are going hungry.
- Stephen Mosley MP has said he will attend. Say thanks @mp4chester.
- Andrew Miller MP has said he will attend. Say thanks @APMiller1949.
- George Osborne MP IS NOT GOING! Ask him why @ George_Osborne.
You can email him osborneg@parliament.uk or ring his office: 020 7219 8214 or 01565 873037.
- Graham Evans MP IS NOT GOING! Ask him why @GrahamEvansMP.
You can email him graham.evans.mp@parliament.uk or ring his office: 01606 350 323
- Stephen O'Brien MP ISN'T COMMITTING. Encourage him to attend. Email obriens@parliament.uk or ring 020 7219 0584.
If you live in a different area visit http://findyourmp.parliament.uk/ to find out who your MP is. Do get in touch with them and ask what their priorities are.
- 57% of people visiting #westcheshirefoodbank do so because of changes and delays to benefits
- 15% of people visiting #westcheshirefoodbank do so because of Low Wages
- 10% of people visiting #westcheshirefoodbank do so because of Debt