Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy New Year: Reflections on 2013

As we reflect on the last year, we'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported the work of West Cheshire Foodbank over the last year, generously giving time, food and funds to support people in crisis. Thank you!

A lot has changed since we first opened our doors in November 2012. We continue to be overwhelmed by the generosity of people who choose to volunteer with us and by the organisations and individuals who collect food for people in crisis.  We're also delighted that we now work with almost 50 partner agencies that help us to identify households in need. Anticipating the opening of a new food distribution centre in Neston in 2014 we recently changed our name from ‘Chester and Ellesmere Port Foodbank’ to ‘West Cheshire Foodbank’ too. The most dramatic change we’ve seen however has been the shocking increase in the number of people going hungry in West Cheshire.

As Dave Walker illustrates, the number of people visiting Foodbanks, both in West Cheshire and across the UK is rising dramatically. The sentiment of the caption 'perhaps we should ask why this is happening' echoes that felt at West Cheshire Foodbank. The question as to why so many more people are going hungry is one that was posed in the well attended public debate organised by the Foodbank Action Group. The event's panel, chaired by the Bishop of Birkenhead, involved a local MP, representatives from Church Action on Poverty, the Joint Public Issues team and DIAL House. The panel was complemented by powerful contributions from visitors to West Cheshire Foodbank.

Since then there have been important developments in the debate on Food Poverty and rising Foodbank use with the Commons debate on the 18th December showing that hidden amidst the tribalism of our party political system, an evidence-based consensus could be possible.
So why are more people turning to Foodbanks?
Gillian Guy, the Chief Executive of the Citizens Advice Bureau attributes the “extremely worrying” and “fast-rising need for emergency food vouchers” to the “combined impact of welfare upheaval, low wages and the high cost of living”.
She is concerned by a number of the changes to benefits and says that the “tough and often poorly applied new sanctions regime has had a damaging impact on our clients and is forcing many to turn to emergency food vouchers. Withholding people’s support to get into work, often for spurious reasons, can move people even further away from the jobs market. Over the last year Citizens Advice has seen a 46% increase in the number of advice queries received about JSA sanctions alone… One client, having been sanctioned, was unable to claim hardship payments and was left without anything to eat. Another client had been refused Employment Support Allowance and was appealing the decision. In the meantime he had no money coming in and faced five days without food. A pregnant woman out of work turned to a payday lender. The debt was collected in one lump sum, and a further sum then taken for the already paid loan two weeks later. She then had no money on which to survive. It is vital that with so much upheaval going on in the welfare system that ministers put in place strong protection for people affected."

The message from Church Action on Poverty is the same. The charity’s recent campaign action, which parodies Saatchi and Saatchi’s 1979 Conservative election poster, argues that benefit changes are the primary reason ‘Thousands are going hungry’. This is supported by what we see at West Cheshire Foodbank: almost 60% of people who visit us do so because of changes to or delays in benefits.
A recent example of delay occurred on Christmas Eve as a Department for Work and Pensions “administrative error” left 32,200 people without any support just before Christmas. The evidence we have at present shows, as Oxfam UK has stated, that “our social safety net is failing”. To our disappointment, this understanding appears to have entirely bypassed government ministers who have consistently failed to grasp the painful reality of hunger facing hundreds of thousands of people in the UK today.

Hope for 2014

It is encouraging therefore, to see that key figures in the church do recognise this and have also used their Christmas messages to speak out against the injustices of hunger. It is crucial that 2014 is a year in which we see a greater recognition of the severity and injustice of food poverty from government ministers and witness an appropriate policy response. Initially, we would like to see the government:

- Meet with representatives from the Trussell Trust and other Foodbank Networks
- Publish the long delayed DEFRA report
- Hold a public inquiry into food poverty
We hope that this New Year, we can continue to rely on your support and prayers, and that you will join the growing movement speaking out against the injustices of hunger.

To keep up to date with what we’re up to you can follow our blog by email. Just enter your address in the box on the right hand side of the screen. You can also follow me on Twitter by clicking the button below.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Andrew's Story

"I came today as I was in debt with my bank and this left us with £4 to feed a family of 7 in total. As I have two children with special needs I had to come to the Foodbank to help with the weekly shopping. If this was not here we would be struggling so please keep foodbanks here as they help."
Our thanks to Andrew, who wrote this whilst collecting emergency food at one of our Centres.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Foodbank Debate: Our Response

Yesterday's debate on Food Banks illustrated just how much the UK population cares about the increase in numbers of people going hungry in the UK. It is not often that a Commons Debate trends on Twitter.
We are disappointed that the gravity of the situation faced by those receiving emergency food across the UK and in West Cheshire was not uniformly respected by MPs. We recognise that there is still work to do in ensuring that all members of parliament recognise the human costs of hunger in the UK. We are particularly disappointed by the failure of some MPs in Cheshire West to attend the debate; by the notable lack of representation from the Minister for Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Owen Paterson) and the lack of democratic accountability demonstrated by the Minister for the Department for Work and Pensions (Iain Duncan Smith).
We would however, like to extend our sincere thanks to Stephen Mosley MP and Andrew Miller MP for their attendance.
We are especially pleased that Stephen Mosley MP:
- recognised the work of West Cheshire Foodbank.
"At the end of last month, I was privileged to visit the West Cheshire food bank in my constituency. Like all food banks, it is run by a group of hard-working volunteers and supported by generous donations from across Cheshire."
- understands that changes to benefits and benefit sanctions are a primary driver of Foodbank use.
"My visit to the food bank was an opportunity not just to see the fantastic volunteers who make it happen but to hear first hand the reasons people are using food banks. The results were striking. Figures from my local food bank show that 59% of those who have used the food bank since April have visited because of changes to benefits and a growing number of people are visiting because of sanctions."
- supports the Trussell Trust's call for a Public Inquiry into Food Bank use.
"[W]e need to find out more about food banks and I back the call from the Trussell Trust and my hon. Friend the Member for South Thanet (Laura Sandys) for an inquiry into their use."
- shares our concern over the suppression of the DEFRA commissioned report
"We need a clear picture of the role and extent of the banks and we need to know who uses them and why. Then we can have a debate based on the facts. Otherwise, this important debate will always run the risk of being hijacked by politicians hoping to score cheap political points, which does absolutely nothing to help those in need. The university of Warwick has produced a report for DEFRA on household food security and the provision of food aid. I hope that it will be forthcoming."
A full transcript of the debate can be found here:  

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Concern over 'suppression' of DEFRA commissioned report on Food Poverty

Joseph's Story

"My wife is disabled. Her benefits were stopped because she did not attend at the Job Centre. I explained that she was in hospital at the time and was told that my wife needed to re-apply. I have told them that she is house bound and won’t go out of the house and that someone needs to come out to her, they have to get someone to come see her."
Our thanks to Joseph, who wrote this whilst collecting emergency food at one of our Centres.

WCFB speaking to Dee 106.3 ahead of the #foodbankdebate

MPs Debate Rising Food Bank Use

Embedded image permalink
A debate on rising Foodbank use has never been so important. 60 000 people will need emergency food this Christmas. In order to debate Food Banks, MPs need to attend!
West Cheshire Foodbank asked Cheshire West MPs what their plans are. Please get in touch with your MP and let them know you care that people in the UK are going hungry.
- Stephen Mosley MP has said he will attend. Say thanks @mp4chester.
- Andrew Miller MP has said he will attend. Say thanks @APMiller1949.
- George Osborne MP  IS NOT GOING! Ask him why @ George_Osborne.
You can email him osborneg@parliament.uk or ring his office: 020 7219 8214 or 01565 873037.
- Graham Evans MP IS NOT GOING! Ask him why @GrahamEvansMP.
You can email him graham.evans.mp@parliament.uk or ring his office: 01606 350 323
- Stephen O'Brien MP ISN'T COMMITTING. Encourage him to attend. Email obriens@parliament.uk or ring 020 7219 0584.
If you live in a different area visit http://findyourmp.parliament.uk/ to find out who your MP is. Do get in touch with them and ask what their priorities are.
- 57% of people visiting #westcheshirefoodbank do so because of changes and delays to benefits
- 15% of people visiting #westcheshirefoodbank do so because of Low Wages
- 10% of people visiting #westcheshirefoodbank do so because of Debt

Monday, 9 December 2013


Karen visited West Cheshire Foodbank after having been referred by the Citizens Advice Bureau. She had been moved to the local Refuge from another area following an assault that had resulted in serious and long term injuries. She was given help with food and was also welcomed by several members of the church who offered help and support to both Karen and her two children. The Foodbank supported her until her Benefits were granted, her housing and children's schooling sorted out and she obtained part time work.
Karen now donates to the Foodbank whenever she can. “This is my way of repaying the Foodbank for the help and support I received at the worst time of my life. I don’t know how we would have coped without them.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Thanks to the Toddlers at St Johns!

A massive thanks to the Toddler group at St Johns Church in Ellesmere Port for their generous donation of food! They collected 46.6kgs of food!


Thank you to Kingsley Primary!

A big THANK YOU to all the pupils and staff at Kingsley Primary School who donated 88kgs of food last Monday!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Foodbanks feed 500,000 since April: New Figures Released by the Trussell Trust

Labour has just announced an Opposition Day debate on foodbanks and UK hunger on 18th December - we’re sure that much of this is down to the fantastic petition launched by a former Foodbank visitor and blogger/journalist, Jack Munroe which has got almost 100,000 signatures since it launched earlier this week.

As today’s Autumn Statement speaks of recovery, The Trussell Trust’s latest figures show that over 500,000 people have received three days’ emergency food from a Trussell Trust foodbank since April alone.

Trussell Trust Executive Chairman Chris Mould says:

‘We’re glad that the economy appears to have turned a corner, but we can’t ignore the reality for millions of British citizens who are facing a tougher winter than ever. Real wages are down, the cost of food is rising rapidly and so is the cost of heating your home. Recovery is not filtering down. Low-income families are teetering on a financial knife-edge. 

Today numbers given three days’ emergency food by Trussell Trust foodbanks since April topped 500,000. That’s why we need urgent cross-party action on food poverty, and why we are calling for an inquiry into the causes of UK hunger.’ He adds: ‘Public support for this week’s petition by Jack Monroe asking for UK hunger to be debated in Parliament has been phenomenal. It proves that ordinary people are deeply concerned about the distressing poverty they’re seeing in their communities. We’re delighted that Labour has just announced an Opposition Day debate on foodbanks and UK hunger on 18th December. It’s an important first step in paying this urgent issue the attention it deserves.’

Update on the Tesco Collection Last Weekend.

Our volunteers & our Tesco colleagues were out last weekend at the 2 Tesco stores in Chester.

Just under 4 tonne of food was collected so a big thank you to all who donated. We also received a gift card from Tesco topped up with 30% of the value of the food collected which can be used to help plug shortages of various items in the warehouse.

The volume of food which you have donated will help us feed nearly 400 people for 3 days and will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Neston Information Evening

Local community leaders in Neston, working collaboratively with Neston and District Churches Together, have become increasingly concerned with the lack of provision for those struggling in crisis situations in the Neston area. Currently, the nearest Foodbank for Neston residents is based in Ellesmere Port. The story of a pensioner walking to Ellesmere Port from Neston and back to get food for his family when they were in crisis touched and shocked us all.
Having assessed that Neston does need its own centre, we are working to establish a distribution centre here for our community. To keep the local community informed of progress and to provide further information we held a Foodbank Information Evening on Friday 29th November in the URC Church Hall.

We were delighted that almost 50 people attended despite the rather wet weather and the host of other activities going on in the community.  The evening was hosted by Alec Spencer, the Development Officer for West Cheshire Foodbank who explained how and why West Cheshire Foodbank operates. We were also delighted to be supported by Rita Walsh and Mike Steenkamp from the Debt Advice Network who so ably highlighted the particular issues faced by those issuing Foodbank vouchers. Our massive thanks  also to Sue Cox who shared her significant experience of volunteering with West Cheshire Foodbank and  highlighted the reasons why so many more people are forced to rely on emergency food. 

As Sue shared with us, we sincerely hope that the underlying causes of food poverty can be addressed and that West Cheshire Foodbank won't be around for long. Unfortunately, present need is both severe and growing at an alarming rate. We are very grateful to all those who have supported this initiative in Neston and for the overwhelming support from the local community, many of whom have already pledged their assistance with collecting food and have generously given their money and time. Thank you all.

West Cheshire Foodbank now hopes to establish a venue in the near future and is looking for the Neston Foodbank Distribution Centre to be operational in the New Year.

Our sincere thanks to the author of this post:
Helen Jones, Secretary, Neston and District Churches Together.