A massive thanks to the pupils at Bishops' Bluecoat Church of England High School in Chester for collecting food for us!
We rely on donations of food from local schools and community groups. Our thanks also go to the staff for their support for our work and their invitation to speak to Years 8 to 11. At Foodbank we welcome the opportunity to engage with people in our community and encourage them to ask the questions we are beginning to...
Why is it that, between now and last November, 2989 people in Chester and Ellesmere Port didn't have enough money to eat?
Why did the number of people in the UK receiving 3 days of emergency food between April and September 2013 (350 000 people!) triple compared to the same period last year? (Click here to find out more).
and finally... what should we - as people who may find ourselves in a crisis situation without warning - be doing about it?