Wednesday, 30 October 2013

More people receiving emergency food!

Since November 2012, the number of people receiving emergency food from us in Chester and Ellesmere Port has increased dramatically. We are now helping over 400 people every month. This trend is in line with other local Foodbanks, some of whom have witnessed a tenfold increase in visitors as reported recently in The Leader.

Nationally, the numbers of people receiving three days’ emergency food from Trussell Trust foodbanks has also increased sharply. Between April and September 2013, Foodbanks helped over 350 000 people, triple the number helped in the same period last year. The Trussell Trust says that UK hunger is getting worse and the charity is calling for an inquiry into the causes of UK food poverty and the consequent surge in foodbank usage.

Chris Mould, Executive Chairman of The Trussell Trust says: ‘We said in April that the increasing numbers of people turning to foodbanks should be a wake-up call to the nation, but there has been no policy response and the situation is getting worse. The level of food poverty in the UK is not acceptable. It’s scandalous and it is causing deep distress to thousands of people. The time has come for an official and in depth inquiry into the causes of food poverty and the consequent rise in the usage of foodbanks. As a nation we need to accept that something is wrong and that we need to act now to stop UK hunger getting worse.’                      

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Tomato Sauce: A ‘Pop-Up in the Port’ Recipe

Tomato Sauce

1 onion
1 clove garlic
Drop oil
2 large cans chopped tomatoes
Handful fresh basil or dried herbs
Salt and Ground Pepper


Knife, chopping board, pan, large cooking spoon


1. Chop onion and crush garlic
2. Heat oil in pan and gently soften onion and garlic
3. Add tomatoes, basil, salt and pepper
4. Simmer gently for 20 minutes

With your tomato sauce you can.....

• add half a chilli
• add to pasta and grate cheese on top
• add mushrooms, courgette or bacon bits
• stir in tuna and olives and serve with pasta
• use on a pizza base

Sunday, 20 October 2013

£545 raised at Ramadhan

A total of 30 people donated £545 worth of food weighing in at 545 kilograms to us whilst observing fasts during Ramadhan. Following their success, the group have been inspired to make this an annual event.

We cannot thank you enough for your support.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Neston Market Stall

We really appreciated the support for Foodbank from residents today at our Neston Market Stall, with large numbers of people asking to find out more and wanting to volunteer.
Neston residents who receive a voucher currently have to travel to Ellesmere Port or to Chester to receive food. Recognising how difficult this can be, we have started the process of opening a centre in Neston which people can visit to receive food.
Our stall was organised and supported by volunteers from across Neston community, all taking the time to speak with people about the work we are doing and inviting everyone to attend the Information Evening at Neston United Reformed Church on the 29th November at 7.30. Please do join us there if you'd like to find out more and get involved.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Thankyou to Bishops' Bluecoat!

A massive thanks to the pupils at Bishops' Bluecoat Church of England High School in Chester for collecting food for us!
We rely on donations of food from local schools and community groups. Our thanks also go to the staff for their support for our work and their invitation to speak to Years 8 to 11. At Foodbank we welcome the opportunity to engage with people in our community and encourage them to ask the questions we are beginning to...
Why is it that, between now and last November, 2989 people in Chester and Ellesmere Port didn't have enough money to eat?
Why did the number of people in the UK receiving 3 days of emergency food between April and September 2013 (350 000 people!) triple compared to the same period last year? (Click here to find out more).
and finally... what should we - as people who may find ourselves in a crisis situation without warning - be doing about it?

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Welcome to our new blog!

We'll soon be giving visitors to the Foodbank the chance to share their stories with you here. We'll also keep you updated on what we're up to and share the latest Foodbank news and events that are taking place in Chester and Ellesmere Port. You can follow us by entering your email address in the box just on your right hand side titled 'Follow our blog by Email'. We'd also love it if you can share our blog on Facebook or Twitter.

If you'd like to find out more about us you can always visit our website by clicking here. Thanks!