Friday, 29 April 2016

Mike's story

"Mr Hughes has had a long history of difficulties - in the past he has slept rough. Recently he has developed severe back pain and has been referred for X-ray.
His present address only offers 2 years occupancy but hopes to be rehoused by Housing Dept to a longer tenancy."

Thank you to Mike for sharing his story with us, and to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on his behalf.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Sue's story

Update of Sue's story:
"Since last sharing my story, I am now accessing food bank through the Extended Voucher Scheme. I am now awaiting appointment for operation & unable to work at all. I have been issued with a further sick note for 2 months & will need a further 2 months to recover after the operation. I am not receiving benefits, just statutory sick pay until 15th November- benefits due to start on 18th November - still won't be amount I was receiving whilst in work. Getting food from food bank makes a big difference. I would not be able to eat properly without food bank as I would want my Mum and daughter to eat before me."

Thank you to Sue for sharing her experiences with us.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Lisa's story

"I lived out of the country with my husband and 2 children. He was working. He started being violent so I and the children left him and came home on 31st August. I have had to rely on my father who is a full time carer for my brother who has learning disabilities. I could claim nothing for 3 months. My husband is not the father of the children who have no claim on him. I have now applied for benefits & have provisionally been offered a house. My local church have also been very helpful.
I need food but I also need money for the deposit on the house so I cannot buy food."

Thank you to Lisa for sharing her experience with us.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Barry's story

"Hardship caused by inefficient workers who cannot read and have no grip on reality at the City Road Job Centre, thus proving the song wrong! ie God gave rock'n'roll to you."

Thank you to Barry for sharing his experiences with us.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Stacey's story

"Client suffered originally from post natal depression and has been on ESA benefit 3 times. However failed assessment as handbag and gloves matched. (Client had taken 3 hours to get ready). Missed bus. Got taxi on tic. Was told she must be in centre as smart. Becoming more stressed with circumstances and debts. (£450 per fortnight on ESA became £140 on JSA). Borrowed money from father because bailiffs came - now problems with family because of this. When going to have ESA assessment worried about losing children which must colour answers."

Thank you to Stacey for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Robert's story

"First stages of ESA benefits - £112.00 per week between two.

  • £68 - service charge, rent
  • bedroom tax
  • £6.00 per week TV licence
  • £5.00 Club per week, paying off
  • paying back overpayment of housing benefit
  • electric
don't drink don't smoke"

Thank you to Robert for sharing his situation with us.

Friday, 8 April 2016

Darren's story

"I failed to attend a job centre appointment, rang through on the Wednesday to inform them that I had been at the hospital as my Nan was taken in with a burst appendix.
I called into Chester job centre on Thursday 7th, to be informed that the claim had been closed, and I needed to make an online claim. I completed this on Friday 8th, and they sent me a text yesterday 11th with an appointment to attend on Tuesday 12th."

Thank you to Darren for sharing his experience with us.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Victoria's story

"Victoria's partner was previously on Income Support but has now been placed on Job Seekers' Allowance. Benefit Agency says he is fit for work but his doctor disagrees - has epilepsy."

Thank you to Victoria for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Lee's story

"Lost apprenticeship as could not cope. His godmother with whom he lodged told him to go. He came to Chester from Liverpool as his family is here. Hoping to go to College. Has a job centre interview this afternoon."

Thank you to Lee for sharing his experience, and to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on his behalf.