Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Dom's story

" Dom lost his job in Scotland and moved down here. No work. Promised income of £71.00 per week but has had no money for the last 3 weeks. 
Had money but left it in the hands of his son - who blew it!!"

Thank you to Dom for sharing his experience, and to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on his behalf.

Friday, 25 March 2016

Clare's story

"I find myself and Family in the position to give Christmas to my 3 kids or pay off my landlady. This is not a good position. Homeless/Christmas. I am not proud of this. My husband tried helping our family by working for 4 weeks. He was then given the push. This we thought the rent was getting paid for these 4 weeks. But previously I have been sanctioned by DHSS. No rent was paid. We now owe £1000.00 which we pay £50.00 out of our money of £96.00. This is not out of choice. Thanks for your help."

Thank you to Clare for sharing her experiences with us.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Liam's story

"I am writing this because when the Social stop or serspend you money they Don't realise of what they are Doing to families. I never new about the Food Bank it is such a Great thing they do. When I Got mine I was surprized about what I got I could not get half the thing I received when I get my money so thank to you all, you Do a very Good thing you Do. You helped me when I was at rock bottom. Many thanks."

Thank you to Liam for sharing his Foodbank experiences with us.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Chris's story

"I am a self employed archaeologist and recently completed a project for a client in Liverpool. We had a 30 day invoice period and now it's coming up for double that period with no payment. It has been promised for Friday. Late payment has caused me to go into debt, unable to pay bills, and unable to eat. I have had to sell bits and pieces to pawn shops to survive.
Also, I am bipolar, & recently had a breakdown. I now have a support consultant psychologist who are helping me apply for benefits."  

Thank you to Chris for sharing this experience with us.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Matthew's story

"I am writing in complaint of the way The British Gas electric service has for the second time debited a much larger sum than agreed/used on a plan, causing again worry, despair and shock. The first time they sent a very sorry, pitiful apology and credited our account with them, no refund! This time they have done the same, the bill has the wrong meter no. on it and they have taken nearly 5 times the monthly amount. This has wiped out my spare money for food and living. I am currently in the process of fighting it yet again, hard to with no cash. Disgusting and shameless way of running a business."

Thank you to Matthew for sharing his experience.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Ellie's story

"Ellie is 16 years old and has been thrown out of the house by her mother. She is now living with friends. The Family Centre are trying to resolve her problems. She is technically not entitled to benefits & the Centre are trying to rehabilitate her."

Thank you to Ellie for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who recorded it on her behalf.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Ryan's story

"After divorce, the client gave house to wife and children. He worked for a golf company for 12 years having been a professional prior to that. He lost his job through alcohol and gambling related problems and the stress of being divorced. He then got house through CLASP and church and charities have furnished it. Getting support from Quaker House and for gambling problem."

Thank you to Ryan for sharing his experience, and to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on his behalf.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Kerry's story

"Became homeless in Winsford then got moved to a hotel in Liverpool by Housing Solutions, for safety, then we got moved to Chester, we have no money due to the transferring of accomodations."

Thank you to Kerry for sharing her Foodbank story with us.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Harry's story

"I have been ill for over 10 years and on benefits, but apparently have not been receiving the correct benefits. My social worker and someone from the Benefits Agency are looking into my situation, but, at the moment, I'm having to pay out more than I'm receiving. It's going to take 12 weeks to sort things out. There is a court case due in 56 days."

Thank you to Harry for sharing his experience with us.