Friday, 26 February 2016

Lesley's story

"Marriage broken down & I am on benefits, Three sons 19, 18 and 10. Eldest has chronic fatigue & waiting for Personal Independence allowance. 18 year old has a job on zero hours."

Thank you to Lesley for sharing her experience with us.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Karl's story

"Went from having 'everything' to having nothing!! Lived off of the streets for the last 11 weeks and never even knew the food bank was here!! They could not be any more helpful, always with a smile on their faces!! I would never have been able to cope much longer if I hadn't found these guys!! Thanks folks!!"

Thank you to Karl for sharing his experiences of foodbank with us.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Ben's story

"Ben has been in difficulty since Social Services asked him to leave the home where he was living with his wife and kids. He became homeless, sleeping in his car. Eventually he was awarded JSA and the council agreed to pay ground rent on a touring caravan after much debate. He was then sanctioned for not filling in computer forms as he is dyslexic. He thought when sanctions finished he would be able to manage but unfortunately housing benefit (ground rent) was stopped due to a misunderstanding with the caravan site. He is now trying to gather evidence & trying to manage rent and living expenses on JSA."

Thank you to Ben for sharing his experience and thank you also to the volunteer who listened to him and wrote it down on his behalf.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Gwen's story

"Sent an appointment for medical for ESA on a Sunday. No public transport to Chester - so let them know she couldn't attend but ESA stopped. Just had a new medical assessment & awaiting outcome. Currently has no income at all. A lot of debts."

Thank you to Gwen for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote down Gwen's story on her behalf.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Trevor's story

"Have been on sick since 1995. Has mental health problems for which he receives treatment. Has hepatitis C, SLPD, ulcerated foot, failed a medical, found fit for work. Didn't know about hepatitis C at first. Doctor signed him off until March but was overridden by company employed by DWP. Now appealed at tribunal and put a new claim in to include Hepatitis C. Told to sign on at Jobseekers, went there and they declared him unfit for work. 
No money since December 3rd.
Received letter to say not entitled to job seekers allowance, 2 days later received a letter to say pleased to tell you you are entitled to JSA £72.00 a week but nothing paid."

Thank you to Trevor for sharing his experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and recorded the story on Trevor's behalf.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Stuart's story

" Couple with one child - 12 months old. I am unemployed but hoping to start weekend work in security after I have done a course from 21 - 24 January. I am also looking for work as a scaffolder.
Sarah is full time child carer receiving income support & waiting for child tax credit."

Thank you to Stuart for sharing his experience.

Friday, 5 February 2016

Grant's story

"Laid off from work in November 2013 was on JSA & housing benefit. Got 2 weeks' work early in 2014 & JSA stopped. He was unaware housing benefit had stopped as they had paid 1 week but 16 weeks weren't paid. Plus Dane sorted the restart of the housing benefit & some arrears but not all. Has still £1300 arrears, so made appointment with P3 to challenge these."

Thank you to Grant for sharing his experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote down the story on his behalf.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Martin's story

"Neston resident has been made redundant. Skilled machinist but a lot of available jobs are out of the area in Deeside and Bromborough - last buses back are too early and earliest buses out are 8am which is too late.
Another issue is that JCP are supposed to allocate computers for job search - was sent to Youth Centre but only 1 out of 6 computers worked. Job Centre hadn't referred him to CyberCentre at Methodist Church for computer use - he found out through friend."

Thank you to Martin for sharing his experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and recorded the story on his behalf.