Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Friday, 20 May 2016
Anne's story
"Client has just moved in with partner and took a while for ESA to be paid. Borrowed £400.00 from a loan shark last month. he wants £900.00 back. Phones continually. Partner got 1st payment of DLA yesterday & loan shark took all of it. I told her not to tell him she's getting food vouchers or he'll take food too. Gave her illegal money lending team card and strongly suggested she phones them - they can protect her as well as stop the harrassment. Her partner does not seem keen to do this as he's afraid of the threats."
Thank you to Anne for sharing her story, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on her behalf.
Thank you to Anne for sharing her story, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on her behalf.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Hannah's story
"Client and disabled husband on ESA. Client works 10 hours per week. Someone reported husband as working so ESA and tax credits stopped on 9 Feb (housing benefit wasn't). Social worker found out & spoke to DWP who said there was no case to answer but benefits couldn't be restarted until 16/2. Client will also talk to housing benefit in case they get told of the stoppage."
Thank you to Hannah for sharing her story, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.
Thank you to Hannah for sharing her story, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.
Friday, 13 May 2016
Alison's story
"Client has lived at Riverside property for 20 years. 4 Children now left home and is a single person in 3 bed house. Has rent arrears of £1K, lives on ESA. Happy to move to 1 bed property but not allowed to go on the transfer list because she has arrears. Refused DHP in Nov 15 as she had 53p per week more than allowed. New form submitted by P3."
Thank you to Alison for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on her behalf.
Thank you to Alison for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on her behalf.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Linda's story
"Claim for Universal Credit - 31/12/15 - 1st payment due 17/2. One-off payment of £70.00 in January. Not aware that council tax not part of UC. £300+ arrears - bailiffs arrived. Housing officer fro Plus Dane is trying to get arrears wiped off. Rent officer from Plus Dane helping with housing benefit (rent being taken direct). Arrears on tax credit £250.00 because of UC - will be seeing P3 for help. Rent arrears due to gap between JSA and UC benefit. Single parent of 4 children, ages 16, 12, 11 and 9."
Thank you to Linda for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.
Thank you to Linda for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.
Friday, 6 May 2016
Kate's story
"Was on ESA. Became fitter & was put on Universal Credit. Didn't realise tax credits, housing benefit & council tax benefit would stop. Last payment New Year's Eve apart from £70.00 advanced payment last week. Has 4 children aged from 9 - 16. Not due to get full payment until February & can't have further advance payment. School meals have been stopped along with other benefits."
Thank you to Kate for sharing her experience, and to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on her behalf.
Thank you to Kate for sharing her experience, and to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on her behalf.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Sandra's story
"Client has been refused ESA. Is sending in sick notes for JSA. Had 4 weeks over Christmas and New Year before 1st payment of JSA came. Appeal was sent in by Dial House. Client had Tribunal letter dated 21st December but DWP still haven't received it.
Client has phoned DWP at least 5 times & has been passed around so each call takes 30 minutes and situation still not resolved. Calls are 0300 & client has to phone from her mobile, so quite costly."
Thank you to Sandra for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.
Client has phoned DWP at least 5 times & has been passed around so each call takes 30 minutes and situation still not resolved. Calls are 0300 & client has to phone from her mobile, so quite costly."
Thank you to Sandra for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.
Friday, 29 April 2016
Mike's story
"Mr Hughes has had a long history of difficulties - in the past he has slept rough. Recently he has developed severe back pain and has been referred for X-ray.
His present address only offers 2 years occupancy but hopes to be rehoused by Housing Dept to a longer tenancy."
Thank you to Mike for sharing his story with us, and to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on his behalf.
His present address only offers 2 years occupancy but hopes to be rehoused by Housing Dept to a longer tenancy."
Thank you to Mike for sharing his story with us, and to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on his behalf.
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Sue's story
Update of Sue's story:
"Since last sharing my story, I am now accessing food bank through the Extended Voucher Scheme. I am now awaiting appointment for operation & unable to work at all. I have been issued with a further sick note for 2 months & will need a further 2 months to recover after the operation. I am not receiving benefits, just statutory sick pay until 15th November- benefits due to start on 18th November - still won't be amount I was receiving whilst in work. Getting food from food bank makes a big difference. I would not be able to eat properly without food bank as I would want my Mum and daughter to eat before me."
Thank you to Sue for sharing her experiences with us.
"Since last sharing my story, I am now accessing food bank through the Extended Voucher Scheme. I am now awaiting appointment for operation & unable to work at all. I have been issued with a further sick note for 2 months & will need a further 2 months to recover after the operation. I am not receiving benefits, just statutory sick pay until 15th November- benefits due to start on 18th November - still won't be amount I was receiving whilst in work. Getting food from food bank makes a big difference. I would not be able to eat properly without food bank as I would want my Mum and daughter to eat before me."
Thank you to Sue for sharing her experiences with us.
Friday, 22 April 2016
Lisa's story
"I lived out of the country with my husband and 2 children. He was working. He started being violent so I and the children left him and came home on 31st August. I have had to rely on my father who is a full time carer for my brother who has learning disabilities. I could claim nothing for 3 months. My husband is not the father of the children who have no claim on him. I have now applied for benefits & have provisionally been offered a house. My local church have also been very helpful.
I need food but I also need money for the deposit on the house so I cannot buy food."
Thank you to Lisa for sharing her experience with us.
I need food but I also need money for the deposit on the house so I cannot buy food."
Thank you to Lisa for sharing her experience with us.
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Barry's story
"Hardship caused by inefficient workers who cannot read and have no grip on reality at the City Road Job Centre, thus proving the song wrong! ie God gave rock'n'roll to you."
Thank you to Barry for sharing his experiences with us.
Thank you to Barry for sharing his experiences with us.
Friday, 15 April 2016
Stacey's story
"Client suffered originally from post natal depression and has been on ESA benefit 3 times. However failed assessment as handbag and gloves matched. (Client had taken 3 hours to get ready). Missed bus. Got taxi on tic. Was told she must be in centre as smart. Becoming more stressed with circumstances and debts. (£450 per fortnight on ESA became £140 on JSA). Borrowed money from father because bailiffs came - now problems with family because of this. When going to have ESA assessment worried about losing children which must colour answers."
Thank you to Stacey for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.
Thank you to Stacey for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Robert's story
"First stages of ESA benefits - £112.00 per week between two.
- £68 - service charge, rent
- bedroom tax
- £6.00 per week TV licence
- £5.00 Club per week, paying off
- paying back overpayment of housing benefit
- electric
Thank you to Robert for sharing his situation with us.
Friday, 8 April 2016
Darren's story
"I failed to attend a job centre appointment, rang through on the Wednesday to inform them that I had been at the hospital as my Nan was taken in with a burst appendix.
I called into Chester job centre on Thursday 7th, to be informed that the claim had been closed, and I needed to make an online claim. I completed this on Friday 8th, and they sent me a text yesterday 11th with an appointment to attend on Tuesday 12th."
Thank you to Darren for sharing his experience with us.
I called into Chester job centre on Thursday 7th, to be informed that the claim had been closed, and I needed to make an online claim. I completed this on Friday 8th, and they sent me a text yesterday 11th with an appointment to attend on Tuesday 12th."
Thank you to Darren for sharing his experience with us.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Victoria's story
"Victoria's partner was previously on Income Support but has now been placed on Job Seekers' Allowance. Benefit Agency says he is fit for work but his doctor disagrees - has epilepsy."
Thank you to Victoria for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.
Thank you to Victoria for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on her behalf.
Friday, 1 April 2016
Lee's story
"Lost apprenticeship as could not cope. His godmother with whom he lodged told him to go. He came to Chester from Liverpool as his family is here. Hoping to go to College. Has a job centre interview this afternoon."
Thank you to Lee for sharing his experience, and to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on his behalf.
Thank you to Lee for sharing his experience, and to the volunteer who listened and recorded it on his behalf.
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Dom's story
" Dom lost his job in Scotland and moved down here. No work. Promised income of £71.00 per week but has had no money for the last 3 weeks.
Had money but left it in the hands of his son - who blew it!!"
Thank you to Dom for sharing his experience, and to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on his behalf.
Had money but left it in the hands of his son - who blew it!!"
Thank you to Dom for sharing his experience, and to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on his behalf.
Friday, 25 March 2016
Clare's story
"I find myself and Family in the position to give Christmas to my 3 kids or pay off my landlady. This is not a good position. Homeless/Christmas. I am not proud of this. My husband tried helping our family by working for 4 weeks. He was then given the push. This we thought the rent was getting paid for these 4 weeks. But previously I have been sanctioned by DHSS. No rent was paid. We now owe £1000.00 which we pay £50.00 out of our money of £96.00. This is not out of choice. Thanks for your help."
Thank you to Clare for sharing her experiences with us.
Thank you to Clare for sharing her experiences with us.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Liam's story
"I am writing this because when the Social stop or serspend you money they Don't realise of what they are Doing to families. I never new about the Food Bank it is such a Great thing they do. When I Got mine I was surprized about what I got I could not get half the thing I received when I get my money so thank to you all, you Do a very Good thing you Do. You helped me when I was at rock bottom. Many thanks."
Thank you to Liam for sharing his Foodbank experiences with us.
Thank you to Liam for sharing his Foodbank experiences with us.
Friday, 18 March 2016
Chris's story
"I am a self employed archaeologist and recently completed a project for a client in Liverpool. We had a 30 day invoice period and now it's coming up for double that period with no payment. It has been promised for Friday. Late payment has caused me to go into debt, unable to pay bills, and unable to eat. I have had to sell bits and pieces to pawn shops to survive.
Also, I am bipolar, & recently had a breakdown. I now have a support consultant psychologist who are helping me apply for benefits."
Thank you to Chris for sharing this experience with us.
Also, I am bipolar, & recently had a breakdown. I now have a support consultant psychologist who are helping me apply for benefits."
Thank you to Chris for sharing this experience with us.
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Matthew's story
"I am writing in complaint of the way The British Gas electric service has for the second time debited a much larger sum than agreed/used on a plan, causing again worry, despair and shock. The first time they sent a very sorry, pitiful apology and credited our account with them, no refund! This time they have done the same, the bill has the wrong meter no. on it and they have taken nearly 5 times the monthly amount. This has wiped out my spare money for food and living. I am currently in the process of fighting it yet again, hard to with no cash. Disgusting and shameless way of running a business."
Thank you to Matthew for sharing his experience.
Thank you to Matthew for sharing his experience.
Friday, 11 March 2016
Ellie's story
"Ellie is 16 years old and has been thrown out of the house by her mother. She is now living with friends. The Family Centre are trying to resolve her problems. She is technically not entitled to benefits & the Centre are trying to rehabilitate her."
Thank you to Ellie for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who recorded it on her behalf.
Thank you to Ellie for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who recorded it on her behalf.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Ryan's story
"After divorce, the client gave house to wife and children. He worked for a golf company for 12 years having been a professional prior to that. He lost his job through alcohol and gambling related problems and the stress of being divorced. He then got house through CLASP and church and charities have furnished it. Getting support from Quaker House and for gambling problem."
Thank you to Ryan for sharing his experience, and to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on his behalf.
Thank you to Ryan for sharing his experience, and to the volunteer who listened and wrote it down on his behalf.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Kerry's story
"Became homeless in Winsford then got moved to a hotel in Liverpool by Housing Solutions, for safety, then we got moved to Chester, we have no money due to the transferring of accomodations."
Thank you to Kerry for sharing her Foodbank story with us.
Thank you to Kerry for sharing her Foodbank story with us.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Harry's story
"I have been ill for over 10 years and on benefits, but apparently have not been receiving the correct benefits. My social worker and someone from the Benefits Agency are looking into my situation, but, at the moment, I'm having to pay out more than I'm receiving. It's going to take 12 weeks to sort things out. There is a court case due in 56 days."
Thank you to Harry for sharing his experience with us.
Thank you to Harry for sharing his experience with us.
Friday, 26 February 2016
Lesley's story
"Marriage broken down & I am on benefits, Three sons 19, 18 and 10. Eldest has chronic fatigue & waiting for Personal Independence allowance. 18 year old has a job on zero hours."
Thank you to Lesley for sharing her experience with us.
Thank you to Lesley for sharing her experience with us.
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Karl's story
"Went from having 'everything' to having nothing!! Lived off of the streets for the last 11 weeks and never even knew the food bank was here!! They could not be any more helpful, always with a smile on their faces!! I would never have been able to cope much longer if I hadn't found these guys!! Thanks folks!!"
Thank you to Karl for sharing his experiences of foodbank with us.
Thank you to Karl for sharing his experiences of foodbank with us.
Friday, 19 February 2016
Ben's story
"Ben has been in difficulty since Social Services asked him to leave the home where he was living with his wife and kids. He became homeless, sleeping in his car. Eventually he was awarded JSA and the council agreed to pay ground rent on a touring caravan after much debate. He was then sanctioned for not filling in computer forms as he is dyslexic. He thought when sanctions finished he would be able to manage but unfortunately housing benefit (ground rent) was stopped due to a misunderstanding with the caravan site. He is now trying to gather evidence & trying to manage rent and living expenses on JSA."
Thank you to Ben for sharing his experience and thank you also to the volunteer who listened to him and wrote it down on his behalf.
Thank you to Ben for sharing his experience and thank you also to the volunteer who listened to him and wrote it down on his behalf.
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Gwen's story
"Sent an appointment for medical for ESA on a Sunday. No public transport to Chester - so let them know she couldn't attend but ESA stopped. Just had a new medical assessment & awaiting outcome. Currently has no income at all. A lot of debts."
Thank you to Gwen for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote down Gwen's story on her behalf.
Thank you to Gwen for sharing her experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote down Gwen's story on her behalf.
Friday, 12 February 2016
Trevor's story
"Have been on sick since 1995. Has mental health problems for which he receives treatment. Has hepatitis C, SLPD, ulcerated foot, failed a medical, found fit for work. Didn't know about hepatitis C at first. Doctor signed him off until March but was overridden by company employed by DWP. Now appealed at tribunal and put a new claim in to include Hepatitis C. Told to sign on at Jobseekers, went there and they declared him unfit for work.
No money since December 3rd.
Received letter to say not entitled to job seekers allowance, 2 days later received a letter to say pleased to tell you you are entitled to JSA £72.00 a week but nothing paid."
Thank you to Trevor for sharing his experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and recorded the story on Trevor's behalf.
No money since December 3rd.
Received letter to say not entitled to job seekers allowance, 2 days later received a letter to say pleased to tell you you are entitled to JSA £72.00 a week but nothing paid."
Thank you to Trevor for sharing his experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and recorded the story on Trevor's behalf.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Stuart's story
" Couple with one child - 12 months old. I am unemployed but hoping to start weekend work in security after I have done a course from 21 - 24 January. I am also looking for work as a scaffolder.
Sarah is full time child carer receiving income support & waiting for child tax credit."
Thank you to Stuart for sharing his experience.
Sarah is full time child carer receiving income support & waiting for child tax credit."
Thank you to Stuart for sharing his experience.
Friday, 5 February 2016
Grant's story
"Laid off from work in November 2013 was on JSA & housing benefit. Got 2 weeks' work early in 2014 & JSA stopped. He was unaware housing benefit had stopped as they had paid 1 week but 16 weeks weren't paid. Plus Dane sorted the restart of the housing benefit & some arrears but not all. Has still £1300 arrears, so made appointment with P3 to challenge these."
Thank you to Grant for sharing his experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote down the story on his behalf.
Thank you to Grant for sharing his experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and wrote down the story on his behalf.
Wednesday, 3 February 2016
Martin's story
"Neston resident has been made redundant. Skilled machinist but a lot of available jobs are out of the area in Deeside and Bromborough - last buses back are too early and earliest buses out are 8am which is too late.
Another issue is that JCP are supposed to allocate computers for job search - was sent to Youth Centre but only 1 out of 6 computers worked. Job Centre hadn't referred him to CyberCentre at Methodist Church for computer use - he found out through friend."
Thank you to Martin for sharing his experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and recorded the story on his behalf.
Another issue is that JCP are supposed to allocate computers for job search - was sent to Youth Centre but only 1 out of 6 computers worked. Job Centre hadn't referred him to CyberCentre at Methodist Church for computer use - he found out through friend."
Thank you to Martin for sharing his experience, and thank you to the volunteer who listened and recorded the story on his behalf.
Friday, 29 January 2016
Karen's story
"I was working as a probation officer in 2012, (had been for a number of years) when I escaped domestic violence by transferring to a different city. He found me, so I moved again. My health has deteriorated so much, mentally and physically, having chronic depression, a bowel disease and a chronic pain condition, that I had to give up my much loved career. My landlady refused to take housing benefit and he had found me again, so I moved to be near friends, sofa surfing until I could sort myself out. I sank into a terrible depression and had a breakdown. I finally had the strength to make a homeless application and was immediately helped into supported accommodation where I am now, attempting to rebuild my life , but having no money for food or anything else. If I could work, I would."
Thank you to Karen for sharing her experiences with us.
Thank you to Karen for sharing her experiences with us.
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Alistair's story
"Had ESA medical - was on basic rate. Had hearing test & blood test at the medical. Reduced payment to £100.00 p.w. because of query over partner (joint claim) who is not on any disability or other benefits. Have said this would only be until decision made in a couple of weeks. Partner can't get out of house - can't walk (heart, knees and back - overweight). (ex drug-taker and alcoholic) - Has to support partner and 2 children (18 months and 8 months)."
Thank you to Alistair for sharing his experience.
Thank you to Alistair for sharing his experience.
Friday, 22 January 2016
Simon's story
"On ESA and having difficulty paying the bills. I own my own house (free of mortgage) but upkeep is expensive. I am unable to work."
Thank you to Simon for sharing his foodbank experience.
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Daniel's story
"I was brain damaged in an accident and I cannot work. I am receiving disability living allowance. I lived in Skegness for five years but two weeks ago I moved to Chester to be near my family. The expenses of the move have left me without enough money for food."
Thank you to Daniel for sharing his story.
Friday, 15 January 2016
Paul's Story
Thank you to Paul for sharing his experience with us.
Sunday, 3 January 2016
Will's Story
"Has been unemployed for 5 months on JSA. Paid £500 of his own money to go on a chain saw licence course in Preston for two days. Getting up at 4am. Wasn't able to look for work so lost money for two weeks. Jobcentre Plus put him on a mandatory work programme - couldn't get money out of the Post Office until 9am so couldn't get to work for 7am. So was sanctioned for 2 months."
Thank you to Will for sharing his experience with us.
Thank you to Will for sharing his experience with us.
Friday, 1 January 2016
Beth's Story
"After returning from Australia, due to a breakdown of my marriage, I applied for JSA one week after coming back into the UK. After signing on every two weeks, 4 weeks later I received a letter saying I would not be entitled to any payment because I was not habitually resident. I was born and have worked in this country since I left in 2003. Both myself and my kids are British. Jobcentre Plus told me to seek help via Cheshire West and Chester Council. Once again they won't help me as I am not receiving any benefits. So my two kids and I receive no money at all. My parents have taken us in, so that my kids have a roof over their heads. They are OAPs. I am not even able to apply for to have free school meals, so without the help of foodbank, myself and my kids would be hungry."
Thank you so much to Elisabeth for sharing her experience with us.
Thank you so much to Elisabeth for sharing her experience with us.
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