Friday, 30 October 2015

6 weeks to wait for payment is too long...

"Had been on Universal Credit but got a job for a couple of months. Reclaimed Universal Credit on 4th September but first payment will not be until 17th October. Hadn't realised he would lose his Housing Benefit. Now owes £900 rent to [landlord]. He has agreed to pay £500 out of first Universal Credit payment. 6 weeks wait for payment is too long."

Thanks to Harry for sharing his circumstances with us and to the volunteer who listened.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Getting through the next three years will be very difficult...

"My crisis has been caused by two things. 

First, I have a disability. I had to give up a full-time job approx. 6 years ago. However, I managed to find two part-time jobs later (30 hrs) which did not impact on my back injury. However, due to a deterioration I am now having to give up one of my jobs which causes me problems resulting in time off work. Therefore with my salary cut in half, I will not be able to meet my bills, food included.

Second. The government pension age has affected women in my age group. I am nearly 62 years of age and will now have to wait until I am nearly 65 to receive my pension. Getting through the next 3 years will be very difficult."

Our heartfelt thanks to Heather for sharing this with us.

Friday, 2 October 2015

James has been sanctioned for three months...

"James recently got sanctioned due to a double booked appointment that was made by DWP. James was told to go to [name removed] to look for work and also given an appointment to sign on at the Jobcentre, both at 9.30 on the [date removed] August 2015. James has now been sanctioned for 3 months due to no fault of his own and has had no choice but to come to Wesley Church Centre for help with food. His sanction should be over on November [date removed]. James suffers as a result of numerous medical conditions."

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us James. And thank you to the volunteer who listened.